Sneak peek at Longhorn Client build 5071

I arrived early on Monday and I ended up being one of the first in line for Steve Ballmer’s keynote. The highlight of the keynote for me was Mike Hall’s presentation on Windows Mobile technology. We were all given a sneak peek at Longhorn Client build 5071 (check out the webcast to see for yourself:

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Not all that exciting, but its good to know that development of Longhorn is in full swing. Longhorn is at build 5071 as of Tech Ed 2005, but it was converted to the 5000 series from about fall of last year, so its surprising to know that they have just reached build 5071. Also, builds 5059 and 5060 were presented at WinHec 2005 in late April, so regardless the development process is in full swing its not that fast paced in terms of churning out new builds of Longhorn it seems.


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